
Meet our Upgraded Heart Rate and Activity Loggers
We are always striving to improve our product range to meet our customer's needs. Our most recent product updates involve improvements for our smallest and largest heart rate and activity loggers.
This second generation of the loggers includes longer ECG capabilities, improved quality of heart rate and acceleration measurements, and memory increases. These changes are in line with the specifications of other loggers in the same range.
All of our heart rate loggers now have the capability of recording 1500 samples of ECG signal instead of 600 samples in earlier versions. This makes it possible to detect lower heart rates than in previous versions. In addition, there have been some improvements in how the heart rate is calculated and the consistency of the quality index (QI) grading.
Other improvements include:
DST micro-HRT G2
Second generation of our smallest heart rate and temperature logger
- Double the memory allows for storing more ECG measurements, 349 compared to 178 in the previous version
DST centi-HRT ACT G2
Second generation of our largest heart rate, activity and temperature logger
- Improved sensitivity of the acceleration sensor
- More acceleration sampling frequencies to choose from (0.03Hz-10Hz)
- Fixed recording period of 1 minute for each activity measurement
DST centi-ACT G2
Second generation of our largest activity and temperature logger
- Improved sensitivity of the acceleration sensor.
- More acceleration sampling frequencies to choose from (0.03Hz-10Hz)
- Fixed recording period of 1 minute for each activity measurement
See our full range of implantable loggers here and a comparison of the specifications for generation 1 and 2 below: